The spread of COVID-19 is emotionally challenging for many of us, and it is altering our daily lives in unforeseen ways. As the situation with COVID-19 unfolds on a daily basis, our first focus during these trying times is the health and safety of our co-workers, customers, and communities, as well as preventing the disease from spreading further.
We at Tiny Fam believe in caring for both the community and our employees by avoiding crowded indoor spaces, improving indoor ventilation, keeping at least six feet distance, covering nose and mouth with a face covering, and washing hands frequently with soap and water. All employees have received training on proper hand washing protocol, work surfaces are sanitized prior to shipping each package, and all employees wear vinyl gloves when packing orders.
Your safety is our highest priority. During this global COVID-19 pandemic, we are even more committed to providing you with a reliable and secure service. Simple precautions like physical distance, wearing a mask, keeping rooms well aired, avoiding crowds, sanitizing your hands, and coughing into a bent elbow or tissue will help you stay safe. Do it all!
Make wearing a mask a natural aspect of social interactions. To make masks as effective as possible, they must be used, stored, cleaned, and disposed of properly.